Step 7.

Provide more efficient meeting access to your experts.

Meeting preparation, engagement, fulfilment, analytics and trust metrics come together on Relate. These features can be managed across teams by Relate for Business and Relate for Enterprise subscribers. No need to have multiple resources on multiple platforms for your next product expert meeting. Relate does it all.

Section Overview.

In this section you will learn how Relate:

(1) Scales human connection.

(2) Delivers sales pipeline automation.

(3) Delivers measurable productivity gains.

Scaling human connection.

Make many attendees feel like they are part of a small group, sitting across the table from your product expert, with Relate’s few to many solution. How it works:

(1) You send your invitees a link that is 1) your branded experience throughout, 2) highly personable and 3) invites them to help the product expert prepare by setting the agenda.

(2) Enterprise subscribers can have up to one thousand registered participants, Business subscribers are limited to one hundred participants, however, can pay to have the cap increased.

(3) At the meeting, attendees are in a safe and anonymous environment, accessed from their preferred browser. No downloads needed.

(4) Attendees share comments and sentiment in private. Questions are asked via text in private. Attendees have no knowledge of who else is at the meeting.

Attendees have been invited to a meeting where the product expert is addressing the agenda set by attendees in a conversational manner. Attendees are in a safe and anonymous environment with the comfort to share feedback in private. This is scaling human connection.

Delivers sales pipeline automation

As you can see in the image, your attendees have lots of resources available to them during your meeting. These resources are calibrated to the product or service that is being discussed. These resources enable your attendees to move themselves through your sales pipeline as follows:

(1) Product research through the Information Center button.

(2) Schedule follow up meetings by registering for other meetings that you have chosen to advertise during setup.

(3) Buy, apply or invest in your product or service down the pathways that you have made available to them via the How to Invest, Buy Now, Apply Now or More Information button depending on your product type.

Delivers measurable productivity gains.

You can track measurable productivity gains from the Event Analytics section of your Relate Portal. The metrics are defined as follows:

(1) Time saved from group meeting format: This is time saved from bringing attendees into a group rather than meeting with them 1×1, virtually.

(2) Transportation time saved: This is the productivity time saved by the product expert not having to travel for group meetings in each city where attendees reside.

(3) Carbon saved: This is the carbon not emitted by the decision not to travel for group meetings in each city where attendees reside.

(4) Forest sequestration… This is the carbon not emitted expressed as reduced demand for forest sequestration.

(5) Reduced demand for trans-continental jets: This is the carbon not emitted expressed as reduced demand for trans-continental (North America) jet flights.

Integrate with your CRM and video communications platform.


“Thank you for making this meeting about me and my agenda”. Investor feedback to a product manager who uses Forum 360

“My clients are benefiting from frequent meeting access to my experts without having to leave an experience provided by my brand.” Client of Forum 360.

”Working together to ensure my clients feel like they are in a relationship with the managers of their money, while enhancing my business model – count me in” Wealth manager working with a client of Forum 360.