Our Product

Over 93% of business executives agree that building trust improves the bottom line.

Meeting Effectiveness App

  • Embedded commercial discipline and rigor on your meeting platforms;
  • Standardized meeting intelligence across all meeting formats both in-person and virtual;
  • Integrates with your everyday use meeting and CRM platforms;
  • Enables two-way communication at scale; and
  • Strengthens the feedback loop to your product experts.

Customer Insights

  • Track meeting behavior over time to an unmatched standard;
  • Promote teamwork to quickly address stakeholder needs;
  • Enable relationship growth fueled by objective and timely data;
  • (Sandi) Coaches continual improvement in trustworthiness;
  • Provides meeting summaries and agenda and follow up;
  • Enables the internal benchmarking of relationship metrics using the Relate Trust Index; and
  • Proactively monitors meetings for how well key selling points are being received.

Risk Management

  • Transform Learning and Development (L&D);
  • Encourage your representatives to continually improve with coaching from Sandi;
  • Improve meeting security with industry specific security gates;
  • Improve meeting setup speeds with pre-configured compliance settings;
  • Ensure you know who is at your meetings; and
  • Proactively monitor discoverable material for potential breaches of your code of conduct.

Explore Solutions for:

Integrate with your CRM and video communications platform.


“Thank you for making this meeting about me and my agenda”. Investor feedback to a product manager who uses Relate

“My clients are benefiting from frequent meeting access to my experts without having to leave an experience provided by my brand.” Client of Relate.

”Working together to ensure my clients feel like they are in a relationship with the managers of their money, while enhancing my business model – count me in” Wealth manager working with a client of Relate.