Generate a much higher return on effort.

Improve sales outcomes with more effective meetings, stronger relationships, greater self-awareness and a reduction in sales admin tasks.

Meeting effectiveness

Make your meetings more personable for attendee(s), engaging on their agenda while supplying everything they need to research your product further and take themselves further through your sales funnel.

Customer insights

Relate gathers over 4x the intelligence from meetings by tracking attendee behavior and without you having to take notes. This is standardized intelligence gathering no matter the meeting format and gives you the edge in knowing your customer, understanding their needs and building trust.

Self awareness

We have all experienced Mondayitis. We have all missed opportunities to make a stronger human connection with our customer in a meeting. Your personal coach, Sandi, will help you address missed opportunities quickly as you come out of a meeting and well before you follow up with a customer. Don’t let that missed opportunity lead to lost business as a result of a slip in effectiveness.

Integrate with your CRM and video communications platform.


“Thank you for making this meeting about me and my agenda”. Investor feedback to a product manager who uses Relate

“My clients are benefiting from frequent meeting access to my experts without having to leave an experience provided by my brand.” Client of Relate.

”Working together to ensure my clients feel like they are in a relationship with the managers of their money, while enhancing my business model – count me in” Wealth manager working with a client of Relate.