Relate Trust Index, powered by Sandi.

SANDI (Sensitive Artificial Native Distributed Intelligence) is Forum 360’s Generative AI Platform analyzing what matters most in a business relationship.

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Sandi analyzes 28 traits for the factors from which we measure trust. Namely:

  • Credibility;
  • Reliability;
  • Intimacy; and
  • Self-Orientation.

(Source: Maister, Green & Galford, 2002, The Trusted Advisor) 

Sandi guides product sales teams on when and where they are most likely to convert conversations into sales.

Conversely, Sandi will flag why conversations are not leading to desired sales outcomes and pinpoint where the product team needs to improve to build trust.

Integrate with your CRM and video communications platform.


“Thank you for making this meeting about me and my agenda”. Investor feedback to a product manager who uses Forum 360

“My clients are benefiting from frequent meeting access to my experts without having to leave an experience provided by my brand.” Client of Forum 360.

”Working together to ensure my clients feel like they are in a relationship with the managers of their money, while enhancing my business model – count me in” Wealth manager working with a client of Forum 360.